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Android Market : Nouvelle application Amazon App téléchargeable gratuitement
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Le , par Ricky81


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Amazon proposait déjà une application pour iPhone et pour BlackBerry, c'est désormais également le cas pour Android avec Amazon App for Android

Au programme :
  • Accès au fonctionnalités classiques associées à un compte chez Amazon (liste de voeux, recommandations, commentaires, commande sécurisée, etc.)
  • Accès à "Amazon remembers", système de recherche de produit Amazon à partir de l'envoi d'une photo d'objet ou de code barre

Le communiqué de presse :

New Free Shopping Application for Android Lets Amazon Customers Snap a Photo or Scan a Barcode for Instant Product Matches
SEATTLE–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Aug. 4, 2009–, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) today announced the release of its latest mobile shopping application, “Amazon App for Android™,” which is now available as a free download to a user’s device in Android Market™. Designed specifically for Android, the Amazon App offers users a fast and convenient way to shop on and thousands of other merchants wherever they go. The application includes the experimental Amazon Remembers feature that gives Android users two different ways to use their device camera to find and remember items available for sale on they can either snap a photo of an item or scan a barcode, and then receive a product match. For barcode scans and many photos, matches are instant. Other items take just a few minutes.

“Customers have been requesting an Amazon shopping application on their Android devices and we are thrilled to bring them the Amazon App for Android,” said Sam Hall, director of Amazon Mobile. “In addition to their favorite Amazon shopping features, Amazon App for Android users can use Amazon Remembers to easily keep track of the items they see in their daily lives and even instantly match photos and barcodes to products available at”

Amazon Remembers is available on Amazon’s family of shopping applications, including the Amazon App for iPhone and iPod Touch, the Amazon App for BlackBerry, and now on the Amazon App for Android. Using the Amazon App for Android, customers can snap a photo of a product or scan a barcode for a fun and easy way to build a list of photographs showing products they want to remember for later, make price comparisons across multiple merchants, and purchase products from and thousands of other retailers on the site – without ever using the keyboard.

In addition to its Amazon Remembers capabilities, Amazon’s family of mobile shopping applications connects customers to their account and favorite shopping features wherever they are, such as:
  • Purchasing using Amazon’s 1-Click® ordering and Amazon Prime
  • Tracking packages or modifying orders using the Your Account feature
  • Receiving personalized recommendations
  • Viewing editorial and customer reviews
  • Getting the Gold Box Deal of the Day
  • Accessing their Wish List

The Amazon App for Android is available on any Android-enabled device as a free download through Android Market™. For more information, visit
Est-ce une réponse à ShopSavvy ? Application qui analyse déjà les codes barres et propose un comparatif de prix pratiqués dans les magasins à proximité du lieu où vous vous trouvez ... et ce n'est rien d'autre que le vainqueur de l'Android Developer Challenge 2008.
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